Burundian president Evariste Ndayishimiye sacked the country’s Commerce Minister Immaculée Ndabaneze, according to a statement from the presidency, with sources within the administration claiming she embezzled funds of an airline.
Sources within the administration allege that Ndabaneze was sacked over the illegal sale of the last plane of the now defunct Air Burundi and for allegedly embezzling funds earmarked for Burundi Airlines, the country’s future flagship carrier.
However, without providing further details, the state house’s official Twitter account said “Considering the acts of the person concerned risk compromising the country’s economy and the image of Burundi… the honourable Immaculee Ndabaneze is dismissed from her functions as minister of commerce, transport, industry and tourism”
Burundi has been ranked as one of the most corrupt countries globally over the years, according to Amnesty International.
Ndayishimiye, who succeeded the late Pierre Nkurunziza in June last year, pledged to make fighting corruption one of his top priorities.