EU Worried About Unchecked Abuses of Power

EU Worried About Unchecked Abuses of Power

From Transparency International

Countries in the European Union (EU) are known for being wealthy, stable and democratic. However, this clean image is undermined by issues ranging from regional inequality and erosion of the rule of law to corruption problems.

Transparency International’s (TI) new Global Corruption Barometer – EU 2021 is one of the largest, most detailed surveys of people’s views and experiences of corruption across the bloc.

TI surveyed over 40,000 people in all 27 EU countries. The results reveal that almost a third of people think corruption is getting worse in their country. A further 44 per cent think it’s not getting any better.

Whether it’s perceptions of government corruption and impunity for wrongdoing, or the use of personal connections when accessing public services, the results challenge the EU’s image as a place of integrity. They also call for immediate and coordinated action against a growing problem.

Data Collected by Transparency International

Corruption on the rise, by country

Percentage of people who think corruption increased in the previous 12 months

No Data Found

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Government controlled by private interests, by country

Percentage of people who agree that the government is run by a few big interests looking out for themselves

No Data Found

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Corruption by Institution

Percentage of people who think most or all people in the following institutions are corrupt

No Data Found

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Sextortion Rates by Country

  Percentage of people who have experienced sextortion or know someone who has





