Sporting events draw people, societies and nations together. The competition of sports transcends language, politics, religion, and culture. Recently, however, sporting competitions have been marred by organized corruption networks that threatening the integrity of the game. With vast amounts of money at stake and limited risk of detection, match fixing and manipulation of competitive events has become a lucrative target for criminal networks.
Protecting sports against match-fixing, manipulation, and criminal enterprises requires that legislators, public officials, law enforcement, professional organizations, civil society, and news media have the capacity to legislate, regulate, investigate, and/or document corruption in sports.
UNISHKA’s highly-skilled consultants provide an array of experience including: legislative drafting; developing regulations for professional organizations; training investigators, civil society, and news media organizations on methods and techniques for investigating and documenting corruption in sports; and conducting open-source analysis of sporting events or suspected criminal activities.
UNISHKA and its personnel have a proven track record of success in designing and implementing sustainable gender equality strengthening projects on a global scale. Our illustrative experience includes the following projects:
Training –
Investigations –
Seminars –
Legislative Drafting –
Regulatory Drafting –