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A group of women perform during a protest against the alleged corruption and the lack of measures with a gender perspective, amid the coronavirus pandemic in Panama City, on September 02, 2020....

During times of crisis, transparency, accountability and public participation are critical in order to ensure funds are not misappropriated. It is therefore of paramount importance that anti-corruption mechanisms are put in place as a matter of priority in order to monitor the use of public...

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark published a report explaining the use of IT technologies and services including block-chain, e-governance, big data, and crowd-sourcing to fight administrative, or day-to-day, corruption as well as political corruption....

MANILA, Philippines - Hospital beds are filled with Covid-19 patients as the Philippine government desperately tries to put a stop to the virus outbreak. But as medical workers scramble to save lives, a state-owned health insurance provider has allegedly engaged in systematic corruption....

This is not a time for silence. The SA Hindu Maha Sabha supports the demands for accountability, transparency and consequences for the looters of Covid-19 funds and all forms of corruption....

Corruption in the Philippines is not something novel as the coronavirus that is plaguing the country and the world at large. It is rather an endemic, deep-seated, and deep-rooted virus that has afflicted the country since time immemorial....

Sexual jokes, inappropriate comments, unwanted advances, online abuse: Slovak women reporters face it all, a new report says. But while they fight for other women, they are often afraid to stand up for themselves....